Streamlining Employee Engagement: How MangoApps Solves SharePoint’s Communication Gaps

September 16, 2024

Effective employee engagement is crucial for modern businesses, and the tools you use to communicate with your workforce play a vital role in achieving this. While SharePoint has long been used as a platform for internal communication, it often falls short when it comes to engaging employees and fostering meaningful interactions.

MangoApps is a modern intranet and communication platform designed to address the gaps in SharePoint’s functionality and improve employee engagement across the board. In this blog post, we’ll explore how MangoApps solves SharePoint’s communication challenges and helps businesses streamline their employee engagement efforts.

Communication Gaps in SharePoint

  1. Lack of Personalization One of the most significant communication gaps in SharePoint is its inability to personalize content for individual employees. In today’s workplace, employees expect tailored information that’s relevant to their roles and responsibilities. SharePoint, however, delivers the same content to everyone, regardless of their location, role, or preferences. This often leads to information overload, with employees sifting through irrelevant updates to find what matters to them.
  2. One-Way Communication SharePoint is primarily designed for one-way communication, where information is pushed out to employees, but there’s little opportunity for employees to respond, interact, or provide feedback. This creates a passive communication environment, where employees are merely recipients of information rather than active participants.
  3. Poor Mobile Experience In today’s increasingly mobile workforce, it’s essential that employees can access communication tools from any device, at any time. Unfortunately, SharePoint’s mobile experience is less than ideal. The platform’s mobile interface is often slow and difficult to navigate, making it challenging for frontline workers and remote teams to stay engaged.

How MangoApps Streamlines Employee Engagement

  1. Personalized, Targeted Communication MangoApps solves the personalization problem by allowing businesses to deliver targeted, relevant content to employees based on their role, department, location, and more. This ensures that employees only receive information that’s important to them, improving engagement and reducing the noise that often comes with generic, one-size-fits-all communication.
  2. Two-Way Communication and Interaction Unlike SharePoint, MangoApps fosters two-way communication between employees and management. Employees can respond to company-wide announcements, participate in discussions, and provide feedback directly through the platform. This interactive communication style helps build a more engaged workforce where employees feel heard and valued.
  3. Mobile-First Communication MangoApps is designed with mobile users in mind, offering a fully responsive and user-friendly mobile interface. Employees can easily access company news, updates, and communication tools from their smartphones or tablets, ensuring that even on-the-go workers stay connected and engaged.
  4. Multiple Communication Channels MangoApps supports a wide range of communication channels, from email and mobile push notifications to in-platform messages and news feeds. This allows businesses to reach employees through the channels that are most effective for them, ensuring that critical information is seen and acted upon.

Conclusion: Improving Employee Engagement with MangoApps

If your business is struggling to engage employees through SharePoint, it’s time to consider a modern solution that’s designed for today’s workforce. MangoApps addresses the communication gaps that hold businesses back, providing a platform that fosters personalized, two-way communication and mobile-first engagement.

Ready to improve employee engagement across your organization? Contact us today to learn more about MangoApps and how it can transform your internal communication strategy.