The SharePoint Frustration: Why Businesses Are Making the Switch to MangoApps

September 16, 2024

For years, SharePoint has been a popular choice for organizations looking to manage documents, build intranet portals, and create collaborative spaces. However, many businesses have found themselves increasingly frustrated with the platform's limitations and complexities. As employee expectations grow and workplace needs evolve, SharePoint’s shortcomings have become too glaring to ignore.

Businesses are now making the switch to more modern, user-friendly platforms like MangoApps, which offers a complete employee experience solution that overcomes the frustrations of SharePoint. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key reasons why companies are moving away from SharePoint and how MangoApps is providing the solution they need.

Common Frustrations with SharePoint

  1. Complex Customization and Setup One of the most significant frustrations with SharePoint is the complexity involved in getting the platform up and running. SharePoint’s out-of-the-box functionality often falls short of what businesses need, requiring extensive custom development to tailor the platform to their requirements. This leads to long deployment times, high costs, and a heavy reliance on IT teams or external consultants.
  2. Poor Mobile Support In today’s world, employees expect to access their intranet from any device, whether they’re working at a desk, in the field, or on the go. Unfortunately, SharePoint’s mobile experience leaves much to be desired. The platform is often slow and clunky on mobile devices, making it difficult for employees—especially frontline workers—to stay connected and engaged.
  3. Information Overload SharePoint’s lack of personalization means that employees often receive irrelevant updates and content, leading to information overload. This reduces employee engagement, as workers struggle to find the information they need amidst a sea of irrelevant content.
  4. High Maintenance and Admin Burden Once SharePoint is deployed, it requires constant maintenance to ensure that content is up to date and relevant. Without built-in content governance tools, businesses must dedicate significant resources to manually updating and archiving content, creating a heavy administrative burden.

Why Businesses Are Switching to MangoApps

MangoApps offers a modern, user-friendly solution that addresses the frustrations businesses experience with SharePoint. Here’s why companies are making the switch:

  1. Simplified Deployment Unlike SharePoint, which often requires extensive customization, MangoApps can be deployed quickly and easily. Its out-of-the-box features are highly configurable, allowing businesses to get up and running in days or weeks rather than months. This fast deployment reduces the burden on IT teams and eliminates the need for costly consultants.
  2. Mobile-First Design MangoApps is designed to work seamlessly across all devices, with a focus on mobile usability. Frontline workers, desk-based employees, and remote teams can access the platform from their smartphones or tablets, ensuring that everyone stays connected no matter where they are.
  3. Personalized Employee Experiences One of MangoApps’ key advantages is its ability to deliver personalized content to each employee. Whether it’s news, announcements, or documents, MangoApps ensures that employees only receive relevant updates, reducing information overload and improving engagement.
  4. Automation and Content Governance MangoApps includes built-in automation tools that help businesses manage content governance without the need for manual intervention. Outdated content can be automatically archived, and administrators receive notifications when content needs to be updated. This reduces the administrative burden and ensures that the intranet remains a valuable resource for employees.

Conclusion: Make the Switch to MangoApps

If you’re frustrated with SharePoint’s complexity, lack of personalization, and poor mobile support, it may be time to consider switching to a more modern platform. MangoApps provides a comprehensive employee experience solution that’s easy to deploy, mobile-friendly, and designed to engage your workforce.

Contact us today to learn more about how MangoApps can help your business make the switch and create a more connected, productive workplace.