The Top SharePoint Alternatives for 2024: Why Companies Are Choosing MangoApps

September 16, 2024

For over two decades, SharePoint has been synonymous with corporate intranets and document management systems. While the platform certainly made waves when it was introduced, the landscape of employee engagement, internal communications, and collaboration has changed significantly. In today’s workplace, companies demand more from their intranet solutions—more personalization, more mobile access, and better engagement.

If you're searching for a SharePoint alternative in 2024, you're not alone. Many businesses are re-evaluating their intranet solutions and seeking platforms that align with the needs of the modern workforce. MangoApps is a standout among the top alternatives, offering a comprehensive and intuitive solution that addresses SharePoint’s shortcomings while delivering a host of powerful features. In this post, we'll explore why companies are making the switch to MangoApps and what sets it apart from other alternatives.

Why Companies Are Moving Away from SharePoint

Before diving into the specifics of why MangoApps is gaining traction as the best alternative, it’s worth exploring the key reasons businesses are moving away from SharePoint.

  1. Outdated User Experience SharePoint was designed primarily as a document management and file-sharing system, not as a modern employee communication platform. As a result, its interface feels outdated and clunky, particularly when compared to newer intranet platforms that focus on user experience and engagement.
  2. Customization Burden SharePoint’s “out-of-the-box” functionality is limited. To get the most out of the platform, businesses often need to invest heavily in customization, hiring consultants or developers to tailor it to their needs. This drives up both the cost and the time needed to implement the solution.
  3. Lack of Personalization In today’s fast-paced world, employees need quick, personalized access to the information that matters most. SharePoint struggles to deliver this level of customization, often leaving users to sift through irrelevant content to find what they need.
  4. Poor Mobile Experience The modern workforce is increasingly mobile, especially for frontline employees who might not have regular access to desktop computers. Unfortunately, SharePoint’s mobile experience leaves much to be desired, limiting its effectiveness for today’s on-the-go workers.
  5. High Maintenance Costs Maintaining a SharePoint environment can be labor-intensive, particularly when it comes to ensuring that content remains current and relevant. Without automation features, businesses need to dedicate resources to manually updating, archiving, and governing content.

These limitations have led many organizations to look for alternatives that are more in tune with the needs of today’s employees.

Why MangoApps is the Top SharePoint Alternative in 2024

MangoApps is consistently ranked as one of the top SharePoint alternatives, and for good reason. Designed as a holistic employee experience platform, MangoApps offers everything SharePoint lacks—and much more. Let’s dive into the key reasons why businesses are choosing MangoApps as their preferred intranet solution.

  1. Personalized Employee Communication One of the most significant shortcomings of SharePoint is its inability to deliver personalized experiences to employees. MangoApps addresses this by providing highly targeted communication based on employee profiles, job roles, locations, and other criteria. This ensures that each employee receives content that is relevant to them, eliminating the frustration of sifting through irrelevant information. MangoApps enables employers to deliver the right message to the right employee, driving engagement and improving productivity.
  2. Mobile-First Design With the growing prevalence of remote work and mobile-first operations, having a platform that works seamlessly on mobile devices is critical. Unlike SharePoint, which struggles with mobile access, MangoApps offers a fully native mobile experience. Employees can access the tools they need—from company news to project updates—right from their smartphones or tablets. This makes it ideal for connecting both desk-bound and frontline workers.
  3. Fast and Easy Deployment One of the most common complaints about SharePoint is the long deployment times and extensive custom development required to get the platform up and running. MangoApps, on the other hand, offers fast and easy deployment. Businesses can go live in days or weeks, not months or years, allowing them to see immediate value from their intranet investment. Furthermore, MangoApps is highly configurable, so there’s no need for extensive customization to meet your specific business needs.
  4. Automation for Employee Journeys MangoApps excels in areas where SharePoint falls short, particularly in automation. Whether it’s automating employee journeys, content governance, or self-service tasks, MangoApps streamlines workflows across the organization. This not only improves efficiency but also enhances the employee experience by eliminating unnecessary manual tasks. For example, companies can automate onboarding campaigns for new hires, sending them targeted messages over time to guide them through their first weeks and months. With MangoApps, you can easily plan, schedule, and execute these campaigns across multiple channels—without needing a custom development team.
  5. Rich Analytics and Actionable Insights Data is key to optimizing the employee experience, but SharePoint lacks robust native analytics tools. MangoApps offers deep reporting and actionable insights that allow managers and leadership to track user engagement, content performance, and other critical metrics. These insights empower organizations to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their intranet.
  6. Integrated Collaboration ToolsSharePoint’s focus is on document management, but today’s businesses need much more than that. MangoApps offers a wide range of collaboration tools, from chat and project management to wikis and forums, all integrated into one platform. This eliminates the need to use multiple disparate tools for communication and collaboration, providing a true all-in-one solution.
  7. Seamless Employee Self-ServiceSharePoint requires a lot of custom work to support employee self-service options, such as submitting time-off requests or viewing schedules. MangoApps, however, comes with built-in self-service capabilities that allow employees to manage their tasks quickly and easily. This is particularly beneficial for frontline workers who need immediate access to information on the go.
  8. Continuous Innovation and Product Updates One of the greatest advantages of MangoApps over SharePoint is its commitment to continuous innovation. MangoApps releases multiple product updates each year, ensuring that businesses always have access to the latest features and improvements. This stands in stark contrast to SharePoint, which can often feel stagnant and outdated.

Other Alternatives to SharePoint

While MangoApps is the top choice for many businesses, there are other alternatives worth considering. Some of the most popular include:

  • Google Workspace: Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) offers basic collaboration tools like Google Drive, Docs, and Meet. However, it lacks the robust intranet features of MangoApps and is better suited for document collaboration than employee engagement.
  • Slack: Slack is a popular messaging platform that enables real-time communication, but it lacks the document management and intranet capabilities that MangoApps offers. Slack is ideal for communication but doesn’t provide a comprehensive employee experience solution.
  • Jive: Jive is another intranet platform that focuses on employee communication and collaboration. While it offers some useful features, it has limited mobile capabilities compared to MangoApps and can be costly to maintain.

Conclusion: Why MangoApps Stands Out

As companies move away from SharePoint, they are seeking modern alternatives that provide personalized, mobile-first experiences for their employees. MangoApps meets this need by offering fast deployment, powerful automation tools, and a fully integrated collaboration platform—all while delivering a seamless, personalized experience across the workforce.

If you’re ready to leave SharePoint behind and explore a better way to engage your employees, MangoApps should be at the top of your list. Contact us today to learn more or request a demo to see MangoApps in action.