Why SharePoint is a Document Repository, Not a Modern Intranet—and What to Use Instead

September 16, 2024

SharePoint has long been considered a powerful tool for managing documents and files within organizations. However, as employee engagement and communication become increasingly important, many companies are realizing that SharePoint functions more as a document repository than a true modern intranet.

While it excels at storing and organizing files, SharePoint lacks many of the features that businesses need to create a connected, engaged workforce. In this blog post, we’ll explain why SharePoint falls short as a modern intranet and what alternatives—like MangoApps—offer a more comprehensive solution.

SharePoint as a Document Repository

  1. Focus on Document Management At its core, SharePoint was designed to be a document management and file-sharing system. Its primary function is to store, organize, and retrieve documents across an organization, making it an effective tool for managing large volumes of data. However, as the needs of modern businesses have evolved, the limitations of this document-centric approach have become clear. While SharePoint is great for managing files, it lacks the tools needed to foster employee engagement, streamline communication, and create a collaborative digital workspace.
  2. Lack of Engagement Features SharePoint’s focus on document management means it lacks the engagement tools that modern intranets need to succeed. Features like personalized news feeds, social interactions, employee recognition, and two-way communication are either non-existent or require extensive customization to implement in SharePoint. As a result, businesses using SharePoint as their primary intranet often find that employees aren’t engaged, and the platform becomes little more than a digital file cabinet.
  3. Limited Personalization and CommunicationSharePoint does not offer the personalized communication experience that employees expect in today’s digital workplace. Employees often receive the same content, regardless of their role, location, or department, which leads to irrelevant information and disengagement.

What to Use Instead: MangoApps as a Modern Intranet

MangoApps is designed to be much more than a document repository—it’s a fully integrated employee experience platform that brings together communication, collaboration, and productivity tools to create a truly modern intranet. Here’s how MangoApps offers a better solution than SharePoint:

  1. Personalized Employee Experiences MangoApps delivers personalized content to employees based on their job roles, locations, and interests. This ensures that employees only receive relevant news and updates, improving engagement and making it easier for them to find the information they need.
  2. Robust Communication Tools While SharePoint is primarily focused on documents, MangoApps places a strong emphasis on communication and engagement. The platform offers a range of communication tools, including news feeds, chat, forums, and pulse surveys, allowing employees to stay connected and informed.
  3. Integrated Collaboration Features MangoApps goes beyond document storage by offering a suite of collaboration tools, including project management, task tracking, wikis, and file sharing. This allows teams to work together more effectively and eliminates the need for multiple disconnected tools.
  4. Mobile-First Design MangoApps is built with mobile users in mind, providing a seamless experience across all devices. Whether employees are in the office or on the go, they can access the tools they need from their smartphones or tablets, ensuring they stay productive no matter where they are.

Conclusion: Don’t Settle for a Document Repository

While SharePoint excels at document management, it falls short as a modern intranet. If your business needs more than just a file-sharing system, it’s time to consider a platform like MangoApps that offers the communication, engagement, and collaboration tools your employees need to thrive.

Contact us today to learn more about how MangoApps can help your business move beyond SharePoint and create a connected, engaged workforce.